Certification Flow
* OMIC Fee Estimate Application (JAS)
- Your enquiry is anytime welcome. OMIC will explain Certification Flow, Application documents to be prepared in accordance with standards & requirements, Fee Schedule, Requirements to be agreed by applicants by providing relevant documents.
- Please fill in “OMIC Fee Estimate Application” and send it to OMIC.
- OMIC, after confirming the content of “OMIC Fee Estimate Application” prepares “Quotation for Organic Certification” and send it to you.
- Should you agree with “Quotation for Organic Certification”, please sign in “Certification Order Sheet” (2nd page of “Quotation for Organic Certification”) and send it to OMIC.
- You are required to submit “Application for Organic Certification” and other supporting documents which are listed in “List of required documents for Organic Certification” to be provided by OMIC. (Since preparation of the supporting documents is time consuming, you are able to submit whichever ready for submission without waiting for completion of all documents.)
- After receiving “Application for Organic Certification”, OMIC will send the applicant two sets of signed “Contract on Organic Certification”. Please send one set back to OMIC with your signature after confirming its content. In the meantime, OMIC will send debit note for application fee.
- OMIC commences inspection of documents submitted by applicants. Should there be any additional information and/or correction required, you are required to follow up.
- Upon completion of document inspection, OMIC communicates with the applicant to fix on-site inspection schedule and notifies it in writing.
- The nominated inspector conducts on-site inspection which consists of interview to key persons of the applied operation, physical inspection of facilities. Upon request, OMIC are able to conduct training seminar about organic regulation to applicant staff at request.
- After confirming the cost incurred for on-site inspection, OMIC sends debit note for inspection fee and annual fee.
- The inspector completes a report compiling the findings through document review and on-site inspection and submits the report together with application documents to judgment meeting.
- Judgment Meeting makes decision whether or not to approve the certification.
- OMIC notifies the judgment results the applicant. In case of notifying negative results, its reason is also informed. Should the applicant is able to correct the non-compliance, re-application is acceted.
- “CERTIFICATE” is issued after confirming remittance from applicant. Inspector’s report will be sent the applicant together with “CERTIFICATE”.
Operation subject to Certification(JAS)
JAS Product | Business Categories |
Organic Plants defined by JAS Standard | Domestic Production Process Manager Overseas Production Process Manager Domestic Re-packers Overseas Re-packers |
Organic Processed Foods defined by JAS Standard | Domestic Production Process Manager Overseas Production Process Manager Domestic Re-packers Overseas Re-packers |
Organic Feed defined by JAS Standard | Domestic Production Process Manager Overseas Production Process Manager Domestic Re-packers Overseas Re-packers |
- OMIC does not conduct certification of Organic livestock product.
Fee Plan (JAS)
OMIC’s fee plan for JAS certification and its continuation and annual maintenance is shown in the following table. If you would like to have our quotation, please kindly fill in ”OMIC Fee Estimate Application“ for any particular cases. Since we have a special discount plan for simultaneous application for NOP and/or EU together with JAS, please kindly contact us.
【Basic Fee Plan for Certification, its continuation and annual maintenance (Unit : JPY)】
Business Category & JAS Product | New Application | Continuation | Annual Maintainance | |
Application | Inspection | Inspection | ||
Overseas Production Process Manager of Organic Plant & Organic Feed | 80,000 | 160,000 | 160,000 | 80,000 |
Overseas Production Process Manager of Organic Processed Foods & Organic Feed | 80,000 | 160,000 | 120,000 | 80,000 |
Overseas Re-packer of Organic Plant , Organic Processed Foods & Organic Feed | 40,000 | 120,000 | 80,000 | 80,000 |
Domestic Production Process Manager of Organic Plant & Organic Feed | 80,000 | 160,000 | 160,000 | 80,000 |
Domestic Production Process Manager of Organic Processed Foods & Organic Feed | 80,000 | 160,000 | 120,000 | 80,000 |
Domestic Re-packer of Organic Plant, Organic Processed Food & Organic Feed | 40,000 | 120,000 | 80,000 | 80,000 |
References to be applied for certification (JAS)
- JAS Organic Standard
- JAS Standard for Organic Plant
- JAS Standard for Organic Processed Food
- JAS Standard for Organic Feed
- Technical Criteria for JAS Organic Certification
- Technical Criteria for Certifying Domestic or Overseas Production Process Managers of Organic Plants and Organic Feeds (limited to those unprocessed)
- Technical Criteria for Certifying Domestic of Overseas Production Process Managers of Organic Processed Foods
- Technical Criterria for Certying Re-packers of Organic Plants, Organic Processed Foods, Organic Feeds and Organic Livestock Products
- Other Documents relating to JAS Organic Certification
- Questions and Answers on the Japanese Agricultural Standards for Organic Plants and Organic Processed Foods (in MAFF Web-site)
- Inspection Methods Pertaining to Production Processes for Organic Plants, Organic Processed Foods, Organic Feeds and Organic Livestock Products(How to confirm organic integrity before shipping)
Requirements to Applicants / Certified Operators
OMIC requires all applicants to apply JAS organic certification to agree with “The memorandum for consigned OMIC organic certification services” by concluding a contract.
Should you have any question on the above memorandum, please feel free to contact OMIC.
The below is notification issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery to register OMIC as a certification body for JAS organic certification.
- MAFF’s Notification(Japanese Version only)