Organic Certification

OMIC provides organic certification service per JAS and NOP standards.

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List of Information

Category JAS NOP
Certification Common Common
Operations to be certified JAS NOP
Fee Schedule JAS NOP
Standards & Other Requirements JAS NOP
Requirements to be agreed by applicants Common Common
Registration & Accreditation JAS NOP


Management Policy Statement on Organic Certification


The ultimate management policy of OVERSEAS MERCHANDISE INSPECTION CO., LTD. (OMIC) on organic certification is to conduct invariably a highly reliable certification operation, recognizing that organic certifications have directly or indirectly serious effects on not only applicant business entities but also the third parties including consumers.
In accordance with the above policy, OMIC has Certification Business Dept. and Judgement Committee which are the responsible for organic certification, independent from other OMIC's business activity like commodity inspection and testing, etc.. The organization responsible for organic certification, maintains organic certification system complying with the requirements of the relevant legal regulations as well as ISO/IEC17065.
Ensuring the reliable certification, I declare herein that OMIC defines clearly the responsibility, authority and interrelationship with regard to the operation of organic certification, enhances the capability of every staff involved in organic certification, and conducts expeditiously the impartial and fair certification.

June 21, 2023
For and on behalf of
Takashi Nagasaka


Organization for Organic Certification

Organization to conduct organic certification consist of Certification Business Dept. and Judgement Committee which are independent from other business division in OMIC. There are two functions under Judgement Committee, those are Judgement Meeting to make decision of certification approval and Policy Meeting to safeguard impartiality of OMIC's organic certification.

OCD Organization


Public Information